Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about our sections - when and where to use, compatibility, development, and more.

Select from one of the topics below!

These sections are for any Shopify website/store.

You cannot use these sections for regular websites (developed in HTML/CSS/PHP) or websites using CMS (Content Management System; Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc)

No, these sections are strictly for Shopify website/stores. They are in liquid code. They cannot be used with WordPress or any other CMS.

Upon purchasing, you will receive the files for you to download.

We have a very detailed guide on how to install them HERE.

No, you do not. If you already have a Shopify website/store, then you're familiar with the backend. All you need to do is copy/paste our sections into the backend, and begin customizing your website -no coding required.

Yes you can! But, you will lose the section from your library along with all its contents and settings.

You will need to follow the Installation Guide again, and add it to your current theme - whether if it was changed or updated/upgraded.

Some sections are very basic and easy to build. While others require extra time to develop in order to provide with as many features as possible.

We try to keep our sections accessible for everyone, while at the same time providing with features that default sections often don't have. But, at the same time, we also want to offer premium version with every possible thinkable setting that we believe website/store owners should have control, without having to modify the Theme's code.

Yes we can! All you need to do is Contact Us and give us a brief or detail description of the section you would like us to design.

In order to keep the price low for your request. We will sell your idea, and charge you as a purchase, depending on the complexity of the section. We will do this in order to meet development expenses, instead of charging you by hour or by project, as the standard developer's rate can be quite high - outside your budget.